This collection was made specifically for your golden hour, back lit images. You will find absolutely the most beautiful golden tones, muted greens, presets for combating sun haze which is so common as the sun is setting, or use the soft glow presets to add a natural haze with the lighting feels dark and lack luster.
- 38 Golden Glow Lightroom presets
- Editing Tutorials
Mac, Windows, Android
Compatible With:
Adobe Lightroom CC+
Adobe Lightroom Classic 6+
Adobe Photoshop with Camera Raw 10.5+
These do not work on:
- Chromebook
- Apple phones or tablets
To use these in your Lightroom Mobile App on iOS you will need to sync from Lightroom CC 6.0+ on your computer.
To use these in your Lightroom Mobile App on Android you can import the XMP presets directly.